Tuesday, January 1

Why Bathroom Graffiti?

Well, why the heck not?

Ever since grade school, we've been captive audience to the random words of others, scribbled on the stall. Dreams, professions of adoration, humor, artistry, attempted slander and more, it's all there. Everything that humanity is, in our most private moments, is literally, written on the wall.

All over the world, people feel inspired, driven even, to make their mark. In one small way, to say they were there, to leave a lasting impression, a note for those who follow after.

So in honor?


For fun! For the giggles, grins, and grimaces we encounter nearly every time we use the public toilet, we join here to share.

Start to carry your camera with you everywhere, and visit the potty more often than usual. When you find something fun, bizarre, interesting, or creative on a bathroom stall, capture a snapshot and send it in.

Forget your camera and see something witty? Let me know about that too, and I'll try to fit it in.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Welcome to Bathroom Ramblings & Stallside Prose. We are now live!

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